Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Name


Department or School/College

College of Forestry and Conservation

Committee Chair

Woodam Chung

Commitee Members

Tyron Venn, Andrew Larson, Timothy Prather, Douglas Raiford


University of Montana

Subject Categories

Forest Sciences


Invasive weed species are a recognized problem worldwide causing economic and environmental problems. Management of weeds is complex and challenging because of multiple decisions that need to be made when allocating limited resources to control current infestation areas including which weeds to treat, where to treat, how to treat, and when to treat. Models have been developed to simulate weed spread, however they lack the ability to simulate the short term effects of weed treatments and analyze trade-offs among control allocation options. This trade-off analysis is critical in developing cost-efficient treatment decisions especially when available budget for treatments is limited. To address the limitations of traditional weed treatment planning and provide weed mangers with a decision support tool that can enhance their decision-making process, a spatially-explicit decision support system was developed. Based on current infestation areas, treatment effects estimation, and vegetation susceptibility, the system simulates weed spread across the landscape, and develops a five-year treatment plan that minimizes total infestation area over time.



© Copyright 2013 Pablo Aracena