Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

English (Literature)

Department or School/College

Department of English

Committee Chair

Casey Charles

Committee Co-chair

Louise Economides

Commitee Members

Marton Marko


production and reproduction, sexuality, ecology, environmental justice, neo-liberalism, globalization, melancholy, THE POSSIBILITY OF HOPE, CHILDREN OF MEN, Y TU MAMÁ TAMBIÉN, ALFONSO CUARÓN


University of Montana


This thesis examines how three films directed by Alfonso Cuarón, Y Tu Mamá También, Children of Men, and The Possibility of Hope, represent the impact of globalization on society and the environment. These films are thematically related, and intended to be considered in connection with one another, as indicated by both interviews with Cuarón, and by critical commentary informing audience reception of these works. Each film uses melancholy as a plot device, and as an ambient presence to elucidate Cuarón’s underlying message that we must re-examine the problematic social, economic and environmental consequences of neo-liberal capitalist models of globalization. Melancholy contextualizes Cuarón’s technical de-stabilization of his central narratives, and informs audiences’ consideration of loss as represented by these films.



© Copyright 2014 Jessica Anderson