Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper

Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Fine Arts (Integrated Arts and Education)

Department or School/College

Creative Pulse Program

Committee Chair

Jillian Campana

Commitee Members

Laura Alvarez, Karen Kaufmann


art integration, social justice, theater, Education, high school, theatre


University of Montana


The ACCEPT Project: Social Justice Art and Education Chairperson: Jillian Campana Co-Chairperson: Karen Kaufmann The ACCEPT Project is an entity that I created out of a need to use art, and specifically theatre, in a meaningful manner beyond entertainment. I found myself inspired by artists who were using their craft to induce social change, so I sought to do likewise. The ACCEPT Project stands for Acting/Art Creates, Challenges, and Enlarges Pro-Human Truths. The information that follows documents my journey to discover a means to the ends of art for social justice and the results which came from that action. As an educator, I have included ways to utilize this concept in a classroom setting, and I am continuing my work on the educational implementation of The ACCEPT Project.



© Copyright 2014 Jackalynn Marie Snow