Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name


Department or School/College

Department of Anthropology

Committee Chair

Gregory R. Campbell

Commitee Members

Douglas McDonald, Timothy McCleary, Jeffery Bendremer


Vison Quest, Fasting, Crow Indians, Apsaalooke, Pryor Mountains, Plains Indian


University of Montana

Subject Categories

Archaeological Anthropology | Social and Cultural Anthropology


The Apsaalooke nation of Montana is one of many tribes in the Great Plains that

practice the ritual of fasting (Vision Quest). In this document I will explain Apsaalooke

fasting also called Bilisshíissaannuua To Go Without Water. This will be done by explain

some core elements of Apsaalooke belief to give the reader a string knowledge base,

so that one can contextualize fasting with in Apsaalooke culture.

This documents also highlights the Dryhead Preservation and recordation project

during the summer of 2013, funding and conducted by the Bureau of Land

Management, Custer National Forest and The Crow tribal Historic Preservation Office.

This Survey was conducted in hope to preserve the Archaeology of fasting that

was found on the Dryhead, East Pryor Mountain and help use to understand this

Apsaalooke Fasting and landscape.



© Copyright 2015 Aaron B. Brien