Graduation Year


Graduation Month


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

School or Department

Creative Writing Program


English – Creative Writing

Faculty Mentor Department

Creative Writing Program

Faculty Mentor

Debra Magpie Earling


Honors, creative, reflection

Subject Categories



For my honors research project, I investigated the techniques of established contemporary writers, took a specific look at their different ways of framing a story through the guise of recollected memory, and used their conventions and mechanisms to develop my own original work. I also studied the elements of noir, speculative, and realistic fiction, as those are the genres that I am primarily interested in. In the process, I examined my old workshop material, with revision in mind, and selected the pieces with the most potential for improvement. I then developed and polished these into two short works of fiction that I hope to submit to literary magazines for publication. I also planned out and began work on my first novella. Through this personal essay, I reflect back on my writing process, and what I learned from my research, and examine how I might move forward with my work.

Honors College Research Project


Included in

Fiction Commons



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