CutBank 76 (2012)
Full Volume
Front Matter
The Currant
Lo Kwa Mei-en
The Gods Are Real
Lo Kwa Mei-en
The Gunslinger Sweetheart at Twenty Paces
Lo Kwa Mei-en
Unison Calling
Angie Macri
Elegy for a Moonshiner
Adam Clay
The Cradle of All There Is
Adam Clay
Via Negativa
Sarah Kathryn Moore
Animal in my Scope
AB Gorham
Somatic Exercise & Poem: Cormorant Stagecraft Thank You For Mixing With My Emotional Circuitry
CA Conrad
In Warsaw, My Mother
Sara Gelston
Something not Nothing
Hannah Ensor
The Late Frontier
Brendan Kreitler
The Evangelicals Go Bungee Jumping
J. David Stevens
Aluminum Dreams
Shara Sinor
Not Everyone is Special
Josh Denslow
The Red Roofs of München
Maggie Maurer
When Lewis Carroll Faced the Jabberwocky
Todd Seabrook
Cartesian Grammar and the Lyric Form
Cal Freeman
I am the Spider
Joseph Celizic
There, There
Erika Seay
Dla Moich Dacia
Nicole Simpkins
Back Matter

- Editor-in-Chief
- Josh Fomon
- Online Editor
- Colin Post
- Poetry Editors
- Clint Garner, Melissa Mylchreest, Alison Riley
- Nonfiction Editors
- Zoey Farber, Carrie Laben, Noel Thistle Tague
- Art Directors
- Clint Garner, Emma Torzs
- Editor, CutBank Books
- Kate Rutledge Jaffe
- Fiction Editors
- Carl Corder, Dana Fitz Gale, Andrew Gray, Kevin Kalinowski
- Poetry Review Editor
- Nick Forrest