Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Name


Department or School/College

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Committee Chair

Thomas Tonev

Commitee Members

Jennifer Halfpap, Karel Stroethoff, Nikolaus Vonessen, Nancy Hinman


uniform algebra, peripheral spectrum, peaking function, isomorphism, norm, Banach algebra


The University of Montana


Let A ⊂ C(X) and B ⊂ C(Y ) be uniform algebras with Choquet boundaries δA and δB. We establish sufficient conditions for a surjective map T: A → B to be an algebra isomorphism. In particular, we show that if T: A → B is a surjection that preserves the norm of the sums of the moduli of algebra elements, then T induces a homoemorphism between the Choquet boundaries of A and B such that |Tf| = |f| on the Choquet boundary of B. If, in addition, T preserves the norms of all linear combinations of algebra elements and either preserves both 1 and i or the peripheral spectra of C{peaking functions, then T is a composition operator and thus an algebra isomorphism. We also show that if a surjection T that preserves the norm of the sums of the moduli of algebra elements also preserves the norms of sums of algebra elements as well as either preserving both 1 and i or preserving the peripheral spectra of C{peaking functions, then T is a composition operator and thus an algebra isomorphism. In the process, we generalize the additive analog of Bishop's Lemma.



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