Year of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Campus Access Only

Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Fine Arts (Integrated Arts and Education)

Department or School/College

Creative Pulse Program

Committee Chair

Randy Bolton

Commitee Members

Karen Kaufmann, Ann Wright


University of Montana


This project explored the process of writing short stories, from the beginnings of inspiration to submission for publication. I designated specific times each day to research, read and evaluate short stories by published authors I respected for their literary accomplishments. Then, I went on to explore the process of writing short stories myself. Finally, I researched and identified literary journals I respected and felt a good fit for my work, and submitted the stories I deemed worthy. The stories I have written, and some that I have submitted are included both in the body of this paper and in the appendix. I found throughout the process of my research that writing is a job like many others, requiring discipline and sometimes holding disappointment and even disillusionment. More importantly, I discovered the importance of story to myself. Story is a tool for the better understanding of people, the relationships between them and furthermore, builds a better understanding of the world. This is the documentation of the journey of a writer.

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© Copyright 2009 Evanthia Hill Bromiley