Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper

Degree Type

Master of Athletic Training (MAT)

Degree Name

Health and Human Performance (Athletic Training Program Option)

Department or School/College

Department of Health and Human Performance

Committee Chair

Dr. Valerie Moody

Commitee Members

Dr. Joe Domitrovich, Dr. Annie Sondag, Dr. Charles Palmer


Wildland Firefighter, Injury Surveillance, United States Forest Service, Athletic Trainer, Injury Prevention


University of Montana

Subject Categories

Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Health and Medical Administration | Health Information Technology | Musculoskeletal System | Other Medicine and Health Sciences | Sports Management | Sports Medicine | Sports Sciences


Wildland Firefighter (WLFF) Crews lack an injury surveillance program to collect information on non-traumatic and traumatic injuries. Tactical athletes including: police, military and structural firefighters all have a variety of collection systems in place for injury data collection. The lack of injury data prevents WLFF crews from identifying high-risk environments, implementing injury prevention programs, and improving the overall quality of care on the job. Over the last several decades the recent rise in wildfire occurrences and wildfire suppression costs creates a need for healthy and strong individuals in the field. The cost of firefighter salaries and medical care can be mitigated with the use of an athletic trainer along with better knowledge of on the job injuries. In this project we suggested an effective injury surveillance program document that can be used in data collection out in the field. We also addressed in this project the importance of having an athletic trainer in the field to promote health and safety among wildland firefighters. A review of current practices in injury surveillance was conducted in other tactical professions such as military, structural firefighting and police. Strengths and weaknesses of each injury surveillance system were identified to facilitate development of an injury surveillance program for wildland firefighters.



© Copyright 2018 Erin M. Boggs