Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Degree Name

Educational Leadership

Department or School/College

Phyllis J. Washington College of Education

Committee Chair

John Matt

Commitee Members

Frances O’Reilly, Roberta Evans, Beverly Chin, Anna East


academic achievement, Alaska Native, educator experience, Molly Hootch, school attendance, testing bias


University of Montana


This quantitative study was designed to understand the relationship between the variables of student attendance, educator experience and turnover, and student achievement at the Molly Hootch schools in rural Alaska in an effort to understand the current state of achievement according to data from 2002–2019 collected from the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (AKDEED) database. Data revealed that Molly Hootch school attendance was at 90% and that proficiency among student dropped from 40% to 15% during the years under review. The researcher was not granted access to review further data that could provide more concrete answers to the research questions. There certainly is enough evidence to warrant further investigation, both qualitative and quantitative, into the experiences of these students and communities, as well as the teachers and other educational staff, to uncover possible supports that can be provided or barriers that can be removed to increase equity in education and increase academic achievement for Alaskan Native communities.



© Copyright 2022 Jody Lynne Drew