Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper

Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Fine Arts (Integrated Arts and Education)

Department or School/College

Creative Pulse Program

Committee Chair

Karen Kaufmann


kinethestic, movement, teaching


University of Montana


Rooted Elements is a thematic naturalistic guide for classroom teachers to design engaging lessons focused in the earth elements. It serves as a tool to pick out emotional or physical struggles for individuals or whole groups as they relate to the element characteristics. The practice is then designed around earth, water, fire or air qualities while teaching about a specific theme and what can be learned from that topic. The lessons are all geared towards an open space without desks and can be used with all students including students struggling with behavioral and/or academic challenges who need interventions. Rooted Elements is practical and easy to use. It provides a base for teachers to spark inspiration and creativity with hundreds of engaging games and activities flowing from places of stillness to high energy. This curriculum teaches children ways to reduce anxiety and stress while building self-confidence and a sense of well-being. It is geared towards creating positive relationships with ourselves and our environment. The focus embodies being part of a whole intricate process and not separating ourselves from the web of life. The lessons are directed with an intention of listening and learning from the plants, animals and natural phenomena that surround us because our world will teach us everything we need to know if we allow it. The principles of Rooted Elements are centered in an eclectic yoga philosophy including the earth elements, animal totems and Reiki. A basic lesson format wheel and lesson outline is provided with several ideas to fill in the blanks, which allows the teacher to create a meaningful practice driven by intention and categorized by element features. Sample lessons are provided to exemplify the basic concept of the program. Rooted Elements fosters respect, coordination, and self-confidence while nourishing the mind, body and spirit.



© Copyright 2012 Alisha Meyer