Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name


Department or School/College

College of Forestry and Conservation

Committee Chair

Jill Belsky

Commitee Members

Stephen Siebert, Steve McCool


germaplasm knowledge, integrating conservation knowledge, local ecological knowledge, Philippines, Protected Area conservation


University of Montana


This thesis examines the forest knowledge of non-indigenous, local forest users in the Northwest Panay Protected Area located on the island of Panay in Central Philippines, and the opportunities and constraints to integrating this knowledge into local conservation efforts. The research is based on participant observation, interviews, and sketch maps involving eleven key forest users and interviews with representatives from the three local conservation organizations. Local forest knowledge is discussed through three themes: geographic or area knowledge (GAK), forest ecology knowledge (FEK), and tree species-specific knowledge (TSK). Tree species-specific knowledge, particularly knowledge of seeds and germaplasm transfer, was the component local forest users had the most working knowledge. Nevertheless, local conservation organizations do not seek and use local forest knowledge, or share information and resources with local forest users generally. The thesis concludes with recommendations for how local conservation organizations could utilize local seed and tree specific knowledge and practices in conservation efforts.



© Copyright 2007 Noah Jackson