Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name


Department or School/College

Department of Anthropology

Committee Chair

Gregory R. Campbell

Commitee Members

Richard Sattler, Richmond L. Clow


American Indians, Blackfoot, Cultural, Indians, Montana Tribes, Native Americans, Siksika, Socities


University of Montana


One of the most significant challenges facing Native Americans and their indigenous identity is a greater understanding of the historical complexity of relationships that interconnected ethnically diverse populations across geographic landscapes. This thesis examines the range of Blackfoot political, social, economic structures, spiritual beliefs, and practices that were in place at the time of Euro-American contact. I use historically documented evidence of transformations that took place from the beginning of the fur trade era through the reservation era. Through the theoretical lens of ethnogenesis I use a case study of the Small Robe (Inuck’siks) band of the South Piegan of Montana to elucidate their responses to conditions of change. I conclude that all divisions of the Blackfoot Confederacy changed in response to catastrophic conditions of disease, warfare, other natural phenomena. Inclusion of Indians and non-Indians from other cultures ensured the continuity and survival of the tribe.



© Copyright 2007 Linda Matt Juneau