Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Name

Individualized Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program

Department or School/College

Interdisciplinary Studies Program

Committee Chair

Ann Cook

Commitee Members

Teresa Sobieszczyk, Jean T. Carter, Annie Sondag, J. D. A. Lakatua


adherence, hemodialysis, quality of life


University of Montana


With the ever increasing ability of medical technology to prolong life, quality of life is an increasingly legitimate medical outcome. This is an ethnographic study on the perceived quality of life of hemodialysis dependent end stage renal disease patients. The study used participant observations and in-depth patient interviews to elicit the perspective of hemodialysis dependent end stage renal disease patients. Findings addressed the utility of dialysis for patients of, patient values leading to renal replacement therapy, and issues that might make patients perceive treatment as futile.



© Copyright 2012 Cindy Schaumberg