Poster Session #1: UC Ballroom

Neurological and Genetic Origins: Language and Religion

Author Information

Stephanie Christiansen

Project Type


Faculty Mentor’s Full Name

Ivan Lorentzen

Faculty Mentor’s Department

Scholars Program

Abstract / Artist's Statement

The origins of language and religion are difficult to ascertain. Language remains elusive due to the lack of any direct evidence of its origin, requiring indirect study through various methods. Religion’s presence depends upon the pre-existence of language; simply put, language and religion are unable to exist without conscious thought. Throughout my research project, I focus on examining the origins of language and religion from a biological perspective. My study focuses on both in relation to neurology and genetics. Utilizing information from peer reviewed journals as well as published scientific studies, I investigate aspects of the brain and various genes connected to language and religion. My research suggests genetics and neurology play a role in determining the presence of language and religion. Through evolutionary adaptation and genetic mutation, the brain allows for the manifestation of language and by association the evolution of religion.

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Apr 12th, 11:00 AM Apr 12th, 12:00 PM

Neurological and Genetic Origins: Language and Religion

UC Ballroom

The origins of language and religion are difficult to ascertain. Language remains elusive due to the lack of any direct evidence of its origin, requiring indirect study through various methods. Religion’s presence depends upon the pre-existence of language; simply put, language and religion are unable to exist without conscious thought. Throughout my research project, I focus on examining the origins of language and religion from a biological perspective. My study focuses on both in relation to neurology and genetics. Utilizing information from peer reviewed journals as well as published scientific studies, I investigate aspects of the brain and various genes connected to language and religion. My research suggests genetics and neurology play a role in determining the presence of language and religion. Through evolutionary adaptation and genetic mutation, the brain allows for the manifestation of language and by association the evolution of religion.