Oral Presentations: UC 330

Technology and the Impoverishment of Experience: An Insight Through Marcuse and Heidegger

Project Type


Faculty Mentor’s Full Name

David Sherman

Abstract / Artist's Statement

The influence of technology in contemporary society is increasingly pervasive. While humankind reaps the benefits technology has to offer, these benefits do not come without costs. These costs manifest themselves in phenomena such as ecological destruction and invasions of privacy through surveillance, to name a few. Often these costs are neither articulated nor addressed. Technology, from the Industrial Revolution to the Information Age, has reestablished the way in which we orient ourselves in our world. In doing so it has, in many cases lowered our standard of human experience, thus creating an impoverishment of human experience itself. Both Martin Heidegger and Herbert Marcuse are amongst those who have articulated the ways in which technology impoverishes human experience. Heidegger and Marcuse both pose means by which society might emancipate itself from these negative consequences.



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Apr 15th, 2:20 PM Apr 15th, 2:40 PM

Technology and the Impoverishment of Experience: An Insight Through Marcuse and Heidegger

The influence of technology in contemporary society is increasingly pervasive. While humankind reaps the benefits technology has to offer, these benefits do not come without costs. These costs manifest themselves in phenomena such as ecological destruction and invasions of privacy through surveillance, to name a few. Often these costs are neither articulated nor addressed. Technology, from the Industrial Revolution to the Information Age, has reestablished the way in which we orient ourselves in our world. In doing so it has, in many cases lowered our standard of human experience, thus creating an impoverishment of human experience itself. Both Martin Heidegger and Herbert Marcuse are amongst those who have articulated the ways in which technology impoverishes human experience. Heidegger and Marcuse both pose means by which society might emancipate itself from these negative consequences.