Poster Session #2: UC South Ballroom

Project Type


Faculty Mentor’s Full Name

David Macaluso

Faculty Mentor’s Department

Physics and Astronomy

Abstract / Artist's Statement

Absolute single photoionization cross-section measurements for Br+ are reported in the photon energy range of 17.0 to 32.4 eV. The merged beam technique which uses counter-propagating ion and photon beams was used for these measurements. One Rydberg resonance series is presented, which originates from the 3P2 parent ion state of Br+ and converges to the 2P3/2 final product ion state of Br2+. The ground state and meta-stable state ionization thresholds for Br+ and Br2+ are not yet confirmed, but are discussed. Analysis of each Rydberg series is calculated using quantum defect theory.


Physical Sciences


Apr 15th, 3:00 PM Apr 15th, 4:00 PM

Photoionization Cross-Sections and Rydberg Resonance Identifications of Br+

Absolute single photoionization cross-section measurements for Br+ are reported in the photon energy range of 17.0 to 32.4 eV. The merged beam technique which uses counter-propagating ion and photon beams was used for these measurements. One Rydberg resonance series is presented, which originates from the 3P2 parent ion state of Br+ and converges to the 2P3/2 final product ion state of Br2+. The ground state and meta-stable state ionization thresholds for Br+ and Br2+ are not yet confirmed, but are discussed. Analysis of each Rydberg series is calculated using quantum defect theory.