Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date



This study examines the connection between relationship uncertainty, relationship satisfaction, and Facebook monitoring activity. We hypothesized that (1) people who monitor a romantic partner’s Facebook activity will also report feeling less satisfied in their current relationship, (2) increased monitoring of Facebook will correlate with greater uncertainty in romantic relationships, and that (3) greater uncertainty in a relationship will adversely affect relationship quality. Using an online survey taken by a volunteer sample of 77 participants across the United States, we found support for these hypotheses.


This manuscript won the Top Paper Award at the annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association’s Undergraduate Research Conference in February of 2016, in San Diego, California. The study was completed as part of a course in Communication Research Methods (COMX 460) in the Department of Communication Studies at University of Montana during the fall of 2015. Dr. Stephen Yoshimura served as the faculty advisor on this project.
