Using Software in Solving Mathematical Modeling Problems

Document Type

Presentation Abstract

Presentation Date



The presentation will focus on the emerging role of new technological tools in the teaching and learning of mathematical problem solving, through modeling, in elementary and secondary school. Recent research in the field has shown that the availability of technological tools, such as computer software or graphic calculators, not only change the way students solve a problem but also improve students' explorations and discovery in the context of the problem. Specifically, in the context of modeling problems, what is expected is that the use of appropriate tools can enhance students' work and therefore result in better models and solutions. During the presentation the following software will be presented and examples of using the software in solving modeling problems will be discussed. Specifically, I will present Geogebra (, a software for creating dynamic geometry constructions with computer algebra system (CAS) capabilities, a set of math applets for the teaching and learning of spatial geometry concepts and for improving students' visualization skills ( and a spreadsheet software. The presentation will discuss findings from a number of recent research studies, related to the software presented earlier. Related to the use of dynamic geometry software, a modeling problem derived from Christou, Mousoulides, Pittalis and Pitta (2004) will be discussed. The problem asks students to decide on the optimal location for building an airport that will serve the needs of four cities. The second modeling problem is retrieved from Mousoulides, Pittalis, Christou, Boytchev, Sriraman and Pitta (2007). In this problem, students need to develop a model for constructing the best possible bottle for a soft drink. The third problem comes from Mousoulides, Sriraman, Pittalis and Christou (2007), is on selecting the "best" six vendors among a number of vendors for working in a university cafeteria. In the last part of the presentation the audience will have the opportunity to further explore and discuss the possibilities of the presented software.


  • Christou, C., Mousoulides, N., Pittalis, M., Pitta-Pantazi, D. (2004). Proofs through exploration in dynamic geometry environments. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2(3), 339-352.
  • Mousoulides, N., Pittalis, M., Christou, C., Boytchev, P., Sriraman, B., & Pitta, D. (2007). Mathematical modelling using technology in elementary school. Submitted to the 8th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching. University of Hradec Králové: Czech Republic.
  • Mousoulides, N., Sriraman, B., Pittalis, M., & Christou, C. (2007). Students' Modeling Abilities in Problem Solving. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modeling and Applications (ICTMA). Bloomington: US.

Additional Details

Monday, 30 July 2007
9:30 a.m. in Math 109

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