Document Type

Research Progress Report


University of Montana Rural Institute

Publication Date

Fall 1998


Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Public Health


In 1988, the National Council on Disability published Toward Independence, which identified the prevention of secondary conditions and health promotion for people with disabilities as a major national goal. During the last ten years this goal has grown in importance, with U.S. service corporations and agencies, researchers, policy makers, and even private industry acknowledging its wisdow. An entire section of Healthy People 2010, the nation’s blueprint for promoting the health of the entire population, addresses disability and health. Previous editions in the series contained no explicit sections on disability. Now, disability has its own section, with 12 specific objectives and related objectives in other major sections. A health and wellness perspective on disabilities is consistent with independent living philosophy. It assumes that people with disabilities can lead healthy and independent lives, and are often the best managers of their own health.


health and wellness, developmental disability, health promotion, secondary conditions, prevention, rural, disability


© RTC: Rural, 1998.

Granting Agency

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


This research is supported by a grant from the Office on Disability and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, grant no. R04/CCR814162-01, with additional support from DDPAC and NIDRR. Opinions are those of the authors and not those of the funding agencies.

Project Number

