CutBank 44 (1995)
Full Volume
Front Matter
Anode (20 XII 94)
Michael Palmer
Living with the Elk
Carmen Hoover
Blues for Home
T. Crunk
Sleepless Everywhere
Susan Yuzna
Variation on the Idea of Crowds
Ed Skoog
At the Aquarium
Mike Craig
The Dinner Date
Russell Edson
The Personal Garment
Russell Edson
Torn Between Two Worlds (Jesus at the Crossroads)
Charlie R. Braxton
Fly Fly Black Bird
Charlie R. Braxton
Album Scratches #7
Patrick McCormick
The Veteran
Gerri Jardine
John Yau
Girl with Large Foot Jumping Rope
David Gilbert
This Body, Long Distance
Sonja Kindley
Writing Your Face
Tom Spanbauer
Marilyn the Mennonite
Amber Dorko Stopper
Interview with Nance Van Winckel
Tod Marshall and Nance Van Winckel
The Day When the Shrine Was Built
Mato A. Higashitani
Triumph of the Callagraph
Mato A. Higashitani
Feeding the Dogs
Maura Byrne
Mum and Dad
Maura Byrne
Timing Is Everything
Suzanne Truman
Suzanne Truman
Back Matter
- Editors-in-Chief
- Alex Speyer, Mary Park
- Poetry Editor
- Karin Schalm
- Fiction Editor
- Jeffery Smith
- Art Editor
- Claire O'Connell