CutBank 56 (2001)
Full Volume
Front Matter
Frank's America
Gary Duehr
Elegy For the Twice-Invisible Body of Jesus Blanco
Eliot Khalil Wilson
The Forks Fire—September 1951
Bonnie Nelson
Caesarea Philippi
Michael Carlson
Doctrine of Wind
Robert Bense
I Think of Time
Carol Frith
daguerreotype of sleep
Mong Lan
overhearing water
Mong Lan
You Know Better, But I Knew Larry Hinjos
George McCormick
Under Stones, Under Water
Amy Stuber
The Unexamined Life
Anthony Wallace
Game #1, 2001
Mike Wright
Idle/Idol, 2001
Mike Wright
Back Matter
- Editors-in-Chief
- Sheila Sinead McGuinness, Joel Rojek
- Fiction Editor
- Dave Cohen
- Poetry Editor
- Wendy Erman