
Political cartoon by Moco Yardley titled, "We Must Win Over a Very Suspicious Chaperone." The cartoon depicts two figures in gowns in the foreground. One is depicted as a young lady in white while the other is depicted as an older woman in black and is labeled as "Mistrust of Yanqui Motives" with a white dove near her shoulder that is the chaperone the title of the cartoon is referring to. In the upper left corner there is a depiction of the White House with figures exiting and walking towards the two women on the right side of the cartoon. The two front figures in the line of people exiting the White House are Dr. Morales playing and Mike Mansfield playing guitars and singing, "A Puerto Rican Assistant Secretary of State" with a paper reading "For Better Latin American Relations". There is a small figure (possible representing Yardley) in the lower left corner that says "The climate, it ees much better here..." with a cat figure saying, "...I theenk."
Political Cartoon
Original Medium
Ink on paper
Item Size
20 x 15.5"
United States
Date Information
ca. 1960s
Artifact Number
Original Collection
Mike Mansfield Collection, Mss 65, Archives and Special Collections, Mansfield Library, University of Montana.
Holding Repository
University of Montana, Mansfield Library Archives and Special Collections
Digital Publisher
University of Montana--Missoula. Mansfield Library
Image Credit
Image credit: Mark Fritch, University of Montana
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Political Cartoon