Volume 37, Issue 1 (1976) Winter 1976
Regulation of Interconnected Electric Utilities: Some Jurisdictional Considerations
James J. Lopach and Dennis R. Lopach
The Supreme Court's Still Changing Attitude toward Consumer Protection and Its Impact on the Integrity of the Court
John T. McDermott
A Growing Awareness of Privacy in America
Thomas E. Towe
Statutory and Common Law Presumptions in Montana
Dennis P. Clarke
Chain of Custody Requirements in Admissibility of Evidence
Michael B. Anderson
Comparative Negligence in Montana
Mae Nan Ellingson
In the Army Now: United States v. Reiser
William E. Hileman Jr.
Noll v. Bozeman: Notice of Claim Provisions in Montana
Daniel C. Murphy
First Amendment Rights of Non-Tenured Teachers
Richard Parish
O'Connor v. Donaldson: One Flew Out of the Cuckoo's Nest
Stephen D. Roberts
Blackmer v. Blackmer: The Presumption of Undue Influence in Montana
Christopher B. Swartley
The Contributory Negligence of Children: Ranard v. O'Neil
Mary B. Troland
Recent Developments
Recent Developments