Volume 11, Issue 1 (2018)
Full Volume
Front Matter
My Fine China
Alecia Weis
Heading Nowhere
Nicholas Soderburg
Not an Exit
Lorri Bethel
Ode to a Grecian Critic
Anson Nygaard
In Poetry Class
Denae Carter
Marko Capoferri
Apartment at the Boxing Hall (Light Beer)
Shane Coburn
Window Shopping
Denae Carter
Forget Me Not
Erin Sargent
Smoker's Outpost
Shane Coburn
Tomato Sauce
Julia Burkhart
Utterly Silent and Utterly Still
Jed Luther
Strangers and Sunsets
Anson Nygaard
Mixed Signals
Nicholas Puckett
Chris Garry Died
Anson Nygaard
I Was a Daddy's Girl
Alecia Weis
Of Two Important Women
Schuyler Diess
Visual Art
Untitled 8x8
Ellie Buick
6 More Miles
Dylan McCarthy
Untitled, Still
Kelaiah Horat
Self-Portrait No. 1
Savannah Stewart
Life in Color
Kelaiah Horat
Boy in Colour
Kaden Harrison
Reach for the Stars
Ashley Wilkins
Boats on the Water
Madeline Broom
Morning Coffee
Madeline Broom
Frozen Starlight
Ashley Wilkins

- Editor-in-Chief
- Courtney Coburn
- Faculty Advisor
- Robert Stubblefield