Graduation Year


Graduation Month


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

School or Department

Biological Sciences, Division of


Biology – Human Biological Sciences

Faculty Mentor Department

Health and Human Performance

Faculty Mentor

Dr. John C Quindry

Faculty Reader(s)

John Quindry; Jo Sol


woodsmoke, sleep, wildland, fire

Subject Categories

Anatomy | Life Sciences


Our laboratory studied the combined effects of smoke exposure, exercise, and sleep deprivation to better understand the causes of the long-term deleterious health effects of woodsmoke in at risk populations, such as wildland firefighters. The purpose of this paper is to report on the results of our pulmonary function tests (PFT). Ten recreationally active male participants (age = 24±4 yrs.; height = 185.2±3.9 cm; weight = 85.7±9.4 kg; VO2max = 46.8.7±.7 ml∙min¯¹∙kg¯¹; body fat = 12.6±6.7 %) performed two separate 45-minute stationary bicycle workouts (70% VO2max) while exposed to woodsmoke particulate matter <2.5um (PM2.5) at a concentration of 250μg/m3. One trial was performed on 8 hours of sleep and the other on 4 hours of sleep. Duplicate pulmonary data for key dependent measures of PFT (FVC, FEV1%, MVV) taken before and after each workout showed no statistically significant differences between trials or across trials when examined by a two-way ANOVA analysis (FVC time p = 0.949, trial p=0.919, time-trial p=0.837; FEV1 time p=0.684, trial p=0.769, time-trial p=0.857; FEV1% time p=0.540, trial p=0.712, time-trial p=0.986; MVV time p=0.917, trial p=0.633, time-trial p=0.923). These results are consistent with the literature from participants with normal sleep patterns.1 No alterations in acute measures of pulmonary function were observed in apparently healthy individuals exposed to PM2.5 250μg/m3 of woodsmoke during exercise, nor does acute sleep deprivation alter these results.

Honors College Research Project


GLI Capstone Project


Available for download on Tuesday, May 19, 2026



© Copyright 2022 Aidan DA McCloy, Joseph A. Sol, and John C. Quindry