Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name


Department or School/College

Department of Economics

Committee Chair

Jeffrey Bookwalter

Commitee Members

Jennifer Alix-Garcia, Peter Koehn


education, Ethiopia, fiscal decentralization, health


This thesis explores the impacts of fiscal decentralization on woreda level spending and local health and education outcomes in the Amhara region of Ethiopia. Using fiscal decentralization theory, we predict that local conditions will affect future local spending patterns because local governments possess superior information and respond to heterogeneous preferences. In similar fashion, we also predict that local spending patterns will impact future outcomes. Government collected household survey data and local government expenditure data are used to investigate this theory. While results indicate that some woreda conditions have an effect on future local spending behavior, the effect of local spending on future outcomes is ambiguous.



© Copyright 2007 Brian Philip Vander Naald