Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Communication Studies

Department or School/College

Communication Studies

Committee Chair

Betsy W. Bach

Commitee Members

Greg Larson, Lindsey Nichols


Memorable messages, identity work, identity regulation, international student


University of Montana

Subject Categories

Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Critical and Cultural Studies | International and Intercultural Communication


A qualitative analysis is reported here, in which 22 international students were interviewed about their overall experiences studying abroad, as well as memorable messages received and the context in which those were communicated. Scholars like Larson and Gill (2017) and Alvesson (2010) have focused on the role communication plays in constructing identity. With that in mind, Knapp et al.’s (1981) concept of memorable messages informs how specific messages influence individuals’ sense of who they are. This study expands knowledge on the relationship between memorable messages and international students’ identity construction, focusing on the impact of messages exchanged before and during their study abroad experience.



© Copyright 2018 Raphaela P. Barros Campbell