Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper

Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Environmental Science and Natural Resource Journalism

Department or School/College


Committee Chair

Jule Banville

Commitee Members

Lee Banville, Tony Ward


Blackfeet Tribe, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Public Health, Tribal Sovereignty, Sovereign Immunity, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals


University of Montana

Subject Categories

Indigenous, Indian, and Aboriginal Law


In 2002, a class action lawsuit came out of the Blackfeet Nation. The plaintiffs were residents of a federally-funded housing project called Glacier Homes, and they were suing Blackfeet Housing and the Department of Housing and Urban Development because their homes were making them sick. The case got some local media coverage for a couple years. But it was ultimately forgotten and the plaintiffs never got a remedy.

This long-form audio project revives this story and asks listeners to think about these plaintiffs’ arguments in a modern light. The Glacier Homes offer a lens through which to think about several social justice issues that are overlooked in Indian country: housing policy past and present, decades-old public health issues, poor construction practices and materials, Indian law at multiple levels of the court system, sovereign immunity, tribal sovereignty, and treaty responsibilities.



© Copyright 2023 Kathleen Elyse Shannon