Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name

Environmental Studies

Department or School/College

Environmental Studies

Committee Chair

Mark Sundeen

Committee Co-chair

Chris Dombrowski

Commitee Members

Amy Irvine


creative nonfiction, outdoor recreation, literary essays, New Hampshire, environmental writing, memoir


University of Montana

Subject Categories

Creative Writing | Environmental Studies | Nonfiction


Chinburg, Lars, M.S., Spring 2024

Breathing Hard in Beautiful Places, Abstract

In Breathing Hard in Beautiful Places, Lars Chinburg explores his connections to the people and places that have made him who he is in a collection of personal essays. The collection is inspired by the talents of many writers–Bill Bryson’s wry travel observations, Norman Maclean’s lyricism on the interplay of nature and family, Sigurd Olson’s gorgeous descriptions of place, and David Sedaris’ knack for drawing hilarity out of the prosaic, among many others.

Many of the essays touch on the power of play as a force for good and joy and self-expression in a world that sometimes feels very serious. Steeped though he is in the whack-a-mole hellscape of environmental and societal doom that seems to envelop us more fully by the day, Chinburg reminds readers (and himself), that while saving the world is a daunting task, a big part of that task is remembering that the world is worth saving.



© Copyright 2024 Lars Chinburg