Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper

Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Communication Studies

Department or School/College

Department of Communications

Committee Chair

Dr Greg Larson

Commitee Members

Dr Phyllis Ngai, Dr Joel Iverson


International students, Communication accommodation theory, academic challenges, communication strategies, cross-cultural communication, communication training.

Subject Categories

International and Intercultural Communication



Yeboah, Wendy, M.A., Spring 2024 Communication Studies

Exploring Cross-Cultural Communication Strategies and Solutions of International Students in Academic Environments with Consideration to Communication Accommodation

Chairperson: Dr. Greg Larson

This study, exploring the communication challenges of international students within academic spaces may be particularly helpful due to the constant interaction that happens within the academic space. Communication Accommodation Theory (CAT) was used as a guiding framework to ask eleven international students what their communication challenges are and subsequently what are the communication strategies they use to help alleviate these challenges. Analyses were conducted thematically, and international students' responses on what communication strategies they use were coded using the CAT principles of convergence and divergence. Results showed that international students face challenges based on language inadequacies, different cultural expectations and issues surrounding cultural competence and inclusive context. Additionally, participants shared how they used strategies such as engaging in active listening and note taking, expanding vocabulary for effective communication and maximizing language learning strategies to combat these communication challenges. Findings offer insights into inclusive interaction recommendations that participants share, and an intercultural training plan created with input from participants.



© Copyright 2024 Wendy K. Yeboah