Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Degree Name


Department or School/College

School of Visual and Media Arts

Committee Chair

Julia Galloway

Commitee Members

Trey Hill, Cathryn Mallory, Valerie Hedquist, Allysia Carpoca


sculpture, thesis paper, lily luna Bennett, textile art, embody, textile sculpture, political art


University of Montana

Subject Categories

Art and Design | Art Practice | Arts and Humanities | Fiber, Textile, and Weaving Arts | Fine Arts


In this paper I will discuss my studio process, material, content and context as it relates to each piece or installation in my thesis exhibition, Embody. My work explores and reacts to the effects that the current political climate has on our physical bodies and identity. I investigate value systems that are embedded into America’s visual language. Often morphing into ruins and relics of an old world while simultaneously being grafted onto contemporary culture. Through large scale textile sculpture, I explore one of my main themes: melding classical architectural motifs that America has adopted, with contemporary textile techniques and material symbolism to investigate power, fragility and resistance. By doing this, I aim to craft pieces that serve as a testament to the enduring dialogue between past and present to ultimately create a site for discourse.



© Copyright 2024 Lillian Luna Bennett