Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Communication Studies

Department or School/College

Communication Studies

Committee Chair

Dr. Sara Hayden

Commitee Members

Dr. Megan Cullinan, Dr. Jessica Liddell


Menopause, Rhetoric, Consciousness-Raising, Spheres of Argumentation.


University of Montana

Subject Categories

Rhetoric | Women's Studies


Menopause is frequently discussed through a biomedical lens, which stresses technical language and knowledge, yet emerging in popular culture is experiential experts sharing how they feel about menopause. This paper analyses Michelle Obama's podcast episode titled “What Your Mother Never Told You” (2022) featuring Dr. Sharon Malone, a medical doctor and menopause experiential expert. Using consciousness-raising and the spheres of argumentation, I analyze how the experiential and technical experts of the podcast address and speak about menopause. This paper aims to question how consciousness-raising can reconstruct the understanding of menopause through an experiential-centric lens by placing personal testimony and experiences in tandem with technical language and understanding. The implications of this essay show how the construction of menopause through experiential and technical language can help challenge the inaccessibility, incongruence, and shame around such topics.



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