Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Degree Name

Educational Leadership

Department or School/College

School of Education

Committee Chair

William P. McCaw

Commitee Members

Roberta D. Evans, John Frederikson, Frances O'Reilly, Patty Kero


community capacity, juvenile justice, leadership, learning community, restorative justice, school


This qualitative case study identified shared leadership as a necessary component in the sustenance of restorative justice, a reform justice model used at Ada County Juvenile Court Services located in Boise, Idaho. Within each of its divisions, ACJCS utilizes this shared leadership model. At this court, leadership capacity was built though encouraging team members to take initiative and show innovation. Community capacity was built by the creation of networks with other private and county agencies, providing both leadership opportunities and community service hours for offending youth. Shared leadership sustains this reform justice model by allowing leaders to become followers and followers to become leaders. At ACJCS, restorative justice and shared leadership team to create empowerment within the members of the court, within the victim, and within the offender, creating leadership capacity.



© Copyright 2011 Kim Dalene Harding