Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Music (Music Education Option)

Department or School/College

Department of Music

Committee Chair

Lori Gray

Commitee Members

Lee Heuermann, Maxine Ramey, Jennifer Combe


alternative styles, eclectic strings, lifelong musicianship, motivational design


This paper explores preliminary data collected in two of Seattle’s public middle schools. The data collected shows that string students have a strong interest in listening to and playing varying types/ styles of music. A discussion follows, regarding the usage of Eclectic Strings music (the playing of musical styles appropriate for bowed and strummed string instruments derived from a broad range of sources (including classical) for individual instrumentalists and ensembles) in the public school secondary string program, coupled with the ARCS Model of Motivational Design (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction) – a tool for effective curriculum design. The premise is that the implementation of Eclectic styles of strings music, along with more traditional orchestral literature typically offered in a secondary public school strings program may lead students to practicing string music as a lifelong endeavor. Ideas designed with the ARCS Model in mind are given for the implementation of Eclectic Strings music in the orchestral and chamber setting and for thinking of Western Art Music in an eclectic manner.



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