Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Clinical Psychology

Department or School/College

Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Lucian Conway

Commitee Members

Gyda Swaney, Gilbert Quintero


American Indians, ethnicity, Native Americans, priming, stereotype activation, stereotypes


University of Montana


Prior research has shown that when individuals are exposed to stereotype activation (SA) mechanisms, such as priming, their subsequent behavior often conforms to stereotypical expectations. Previous studies have focused on measuring stereotype activation primarily with manipulations of task completion after subjects are exposed to a prime. This study intended to expand the current research by exploring the effect of SA on an individual’s self-concept. Research was conducted with Native American and Caucasian college students using an ethnicity salient questionnaire as a means of SA. Participants then completed self-report measurements associated with Native American stereotypes. It was hypothesized that priming Native American ethnicity would sway the participants’ to report self-concepts that were parallel to Native American stereotypes. It was expected to stimulate change for Native American students, but would have no effect on Caucasian students. Results indicated, however, that the priming manipulation caused stereotype disconfirmation in Native American participants, with mixed effects for Caucasian participants.



© Copyright 2011 Laura R. John