Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name

Health and Human Performance (Exercise Science Option)

Department or School/College

Department of Health and Human Performance

Committee Chair

Charles Palmer

Commitee Members

Charles Dumke, Brian Steele


Exercise, Hotshot, Physical Fitness, Wildland Firefighter


Hotshots are elite wildland firefighters that are used in all capacities from first attack to the most hazardous duties during wildland firefighting. The unpredictable nature of the wildfire creates a dangerous and physically challenging environment for those attempting to stop its advance. Hotshot wildland firefighters must be conditioned to perform the tasks associated with their job and to avoid injury. Purpose: The purpose of the current study was to evaluate possible assessment tests in an effort to predict job readiness for interagency hotshot crew members. Methodology: Thirty-six male and female type 1 hotshot crew members completed 4 physical fitness tests in addition to completing the Wildland Firefighter Tasks and Abilities (WFTA) questionnaire. Crewmembers completed a pre-screening questionnaire (PARQ) and the WFTA questionnaire that assessed their attitude and belief about wildfire job tasks, their ability to complete the tasks, and the ability of their colleagues on the crew to complete job tasks associated with wildland firefighting. Results: The 6 mile hike with 65lb pack (p<0.01) and the push-up test were significantly (p<0.05) correlated with the Eleven predictor variables and the three Calculated variables (sum overall ability, upper body, lower body) (table 2). Furthermore, the 4 mile run test was significantly (p<0.05) correlated with all predictor variables and the three Calculated variables, except laying hose (p=-0.21), pump work (p=-0.21), and mop-up (p=-0.28) (table 2). Secondly, the 6 mile hike with 65lbs and the 4 mile run contributed significantly to predicting the overall ability, sum overall ability, upper body, and lower body variables suggesting that they are good indicators for job readiness.



© Copyright 2012 Benjamin Adams Lovelace