Graduation Year


Graduation Month


Document Type

Professional Paper

Degree Name

Bachelor of Fine Arts

School or Department

Media Arts


Media Arts

Faculty Mentor Department

Media Arts

Faculty Mentor

Andrew Smith


GrizCode, YouTube, Comedy, Web Series, Student Perspective

Subject Categories

Film Production | Graphic Design | Illustration | Other Film and Media Studies | Visual Studies


The point of this paper is to explore the development, purpose, and challenges of making the web series, GrizCode. It is not as scientific, as it is a narrative of what came to be. The goal of GrizCode was to paint a picture of what student life is like at the University of Montana, giving tips and life advice while celebrating and parodying what it means to be a “Griz.” It consisted of floating head type interviews of students over a green screen background of animations, with fun upbeat music that would keep the audience engaged and promote a joyful tone. The project became much more intensive overcoming and learning copyright law, and I discovered the show could be used for a much higher purpose than entertainment – it could help stop the decline of enrollment at UM. After careful deliberation, the release date of GrizCode was moved to Fall 2016 so that my remaining energy during school could go toward collecting as many interviews as possible. During the summer, the episodes will be edited, the sound refined, and animations will be added to illustrate some of the advice and stories from interviewees. In fall of 2017, based of the number of views that GrizCode accumulates in a year, the effects on enrollment may be speculated.

Honors College Research Project


RoughCutofEpisode_LifeintheResidenceHalls.mp4 (84209 kB)
Rough Cut example of a GrizCode episode



© Copyright 2016 Darien W. Gostas