"Documents from the November 17, 2021 Meeting of the Associated Student" by University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students


Agenda and meeting minutes from the November 17, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM). The following resolutions were discussed during the meeting:

SB46-21/22: Resolution Amending Article IV, Section 21 of the ASUM Bylaws in Regard to the Basic Needs Oversight Board

SB47-21/22: Resolution Encouraging Faculty to Include Mental Health, Wellness, and Basic Needs Resources in Syllabi

SB48-21/22: Resolution Endorsing Montana 10 Initiatives

SB49-21/22: Resolution Expanding ASUM’s Stance Regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement Based on UM Student and Faculty/Staff Survey(s)

SB50-21/22: Resolution Encouraging Campus Dining to Implement a Round-Up Donation System to Mitigate Basic Needs Insecurity


Administrative records; Agendas; Minutes


College student government; Student activities

Geographic Location

University of Montana--Missoula; Missoula (Mont.)

Date Original

Fall 11-17-2021




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