Marc Racicot Interview, June 9, 2023


Mark Racicot


Bob Brown



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Download Transcript of Marc Racicot interview (669 KB)


Marc Racicot discusses his early years in Montana and his father’s career as a high school teacher and coach around Montana. Racicot chronicles his involvement in politics beginning in high school, covering his undergraduate school at Carroll College and his attendance at the military law school in Charlottesville, Virginia. He recounts his service as a JAG officer for the Army in Germany, later service with the Missoula County Attorney’s Office as a special prosecutor, and as a deputy county attorney in Helena. While with the Montana AG’s Office, he worked on the high-profile kidnapping case of Olympic hopeful biathlete Kari Swenson. Racicot discusses his three unsuccessful campaigns for a judgeship and his victory and service as Republican Montana Attorney General. Racicot talks about his support of George McGovern in the 1972 presidential campaign and his contact with McGovern and Stephen Ambrose while Ambrose was writing a book about McGovern.


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Document Type

Oral History

Original Date


Time Period

Twentieth century

Geographic Coverage




Original Collection

Bob Brown Oral History Project OH-396, Archives & Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana

Digital Publisher

University of Montana--Missoula. Mansfield Library


Copyright to this collection is held by the interview participants and by the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Permission may be required for use. For further information please contact Archives and Special Collections: (406) 243-2053 /

Oral History Number

OH 396-088

Media Type

Sound; Text

Original Format

audio/mp3; application/pdf

Digital Format

audio/mp3; application/pdf

Run Time


Local Filename

OH_396_088.mp3; OH_396_088.pdf

Marc Racicot Interview, June 9, 2023
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