Artifact from 2020
Phillis Wheatley and Judith Sargent Murray: Revolutionary Founders in Women’s Political Activism and Women’s American Literary Tradition, Rebecca L. Warwick
Global Leadership Initiative Capstone, Carly Zilge, Canyon Hohenstein, Claire Everingham, Bailey Carpenter, and Sarah Wells
Artifact from 2019
Looking Past, Looking Forward: America's National Parks, Archaeology and Climate Change, Rachel Marie Blumhardt
The Effect of Perception Biases on Associated Value of Stimuli, Jordan Broussard
Eating Insects: A Community Action Toolkit, Lily X. Chumrau, Charlotte Langner, Freya Sargent, Ellen Sears, and Mary McCormick
Acquisition of Differential Object Marking in Argentine Spanish, Laura Cornelisse and Pablo E. Requena
Student's Self Discovery of Right Triangle Trigonometry., Elizabeth DeReu
Difference in Physical Traits of Rocky Mountain Tailed Frogs in Burned and Unburned Streams, Daniel M. Franz
Strategic Plan Paper: J Crew, Ellie Elizabeth Hanousek
Biotic and Abiotic Associations with Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) in the North Fork Flathead River Basin in northwestern Montana, USA and southeastern British Columbia, CAN under current and future climate scenarios., Kadie B. Heinle, Lisa Eby, Clint Muhlfeld, Vincent D'Angelo, Amber Steed, Andrew Whiteley, and Mark Hebblewhite
Davidson Honors College Students Prematurely Declare Major Studies Prior to Entering College, Noah P. Hill
Flipped: The Lives of Those with Mental Disorders, Teresa K. Hoskins
Rates of Water Loss and Metabolism in the Eggs of Stick Insect Eurycantha calcarata, Garret K. Jolma
An Old Man's Eulogy, a Young Republic's Hymn: Weimar Patriotism and the Murder of Walther Rathenau, Ronan Kennedy
The Impact of Depression on Treatment Outcomes for Patients with Aphasia who Participate in an Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Program (ICAP), Harley B. Kincheloe
A Hydrogen-Bond Stabilized Mechanism of Oxygen Evolution in Photosystem II: A Proposed Computational Experiment, Christopher King
The Impact of Terrain and Other Factors on Wild Fires, Matthew L. Kingston
Analysis: Influence of College Environment in Terms of Development and Maintenance of Healthy Adulthood Eating Behaviors, Carly Knudson
Investigating a Macro Level Trial Tax: An Analysis of the Relationship Between a Circuit's Plea Proportion and Median Sentence Length in U.S. Federal Courts, Denise LaFontaine
Trends in Opinion Writing & Consensus: the Roberts Court, Marti Auburn Liechty
Obesity in Postmenopausal Rural Women: Clinical and Psychological Prevention and Treatment Techniques, Julliette T. Lucas
Health Safety and Security for New Student Orientations, William M. Malloy
Effects of Climate Change on Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Public Health Implications in Western Montana, Tiffany Matthews, Benjamin Hickey, Sydney Qualls, Max Enger, Ella Baumgarten, and Ronan Kennedy
Effects of PAG1 on Src-family kinase trafficking in neuroblastoma cells, Makenzie E. Mayfield
Sex Education Materials for Blue Mountain Clinic, Laurel Naylor
Barriers to Implementing a Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban in Missoula, Tess Elizabeth Parker
Small Scale Living, Jake Pennington, Bailey Carpenter, Mark Trepanier, and Fiona Bean
Through the Eyes of Locals: A Changing Climate in Bolivia, Jacob D. Rex
Western Cider CRM Implementation & Data Migration Project, Greg Rosbarsky, Jesson Preston, Yannick Schmidl, and Thomas Wartick
Social Isolation and Loneliness and the Experience of Gratitude and Affection, Elizabeth Sholey
Systems of Sex and Gender Misinformation in Biological Education, Lily Summer
Longevity in Snowshoe Hares, Katrina L. Theisen, Alexander V. Kumar, and L. Scott Mills
The Flow: Educate. Empower. Change, Kirsten Tucker, Shaylee Ragar, Madison Haynes, Lea Graham, and Monica Paul
Planned Change Process: Case Study and Presentation, Emma Woodring
To Feel Better: A Personal Account of my Eating Disorder, Savannah Kate Woods
Artifact from 2018
The Relationship Between Racing Experience and the Ability to Adhere to a Race Plan, Erika Ackerlund
Camera Traps in Wildlife Research: Through my Lens, Bryson P. Allen
Language Use in Totalistic Social Groups, Emily H. Allen
Analysis: The Boeing Company, Steven C. Allen, Kady Bartsch, Kaixuan Yang, and Katlyn Yelsa
Honors Capstone Poster: Does the Metabolic Cost of Load Carriage Differ Between Males and Females?, Katherine Berglund
Missoula Community/Children's Theater - Tour Logistics, Addison W. Boyer
Exploring the role of a novel RpoD protein in Borrelia burgdorferi, Bethany Crouse
Glycerol utilization during nutrient stress in the Lyme disease bacterium, Bethany Crouse
The role of glycerol utilization in the Lyme disease spirochete, Bethany Crouse
A Comparison of Traditional American, German and French Oboe Reeds, Nicole Evans
Honors Capstone Novel Writing Reflection, Cheyenne Goetz
After All the Dreaming: On Student Leadership in the Montana University System, Chase Greenfield
Barnes & Noble: Business Analysis, Wendy Gregory