This collection includes theses, dissertations, and professional papers from the University of Montana Department of Communication Studies. Theses, dissertations, and professional papers from all University of Montana departments and programs may be searched here.
Theses/Dissertations from 1962
The semantic differential as a measure of speech tension, William Ruemke Knowlton
Theses/Dissertations from 1961
An audiometric analysis of hearing acuity in Montana school band directors, James F. Maurer
Delivery and attention| An experimental investigation, John L. Vohs
Calamity Jane| A pageant-drama in three acts, John McLain Watkins
Theses/Dissertations from 1960
An investigation of the effects of meprobamate on auditory threshold as measured by conventional pure tone and galvanic skin response audiometry, Robert B. Chaney
Exploratory use of the semantic differential in measuring the effects of speeches, Merrill F. Garrett
An audiometric analysis of the student population of the Montana State School for the Deaf, Peggy Trower Kenna
Theses/Dissertations from 1959
Hamilton, a legacy for the Bitterroot Valley. [An historical pageant-drama of Hamilton, Mont.], Donald William Butler
Effect of delivery in the transmission of information, Frank Siegfried Gonzalez
Study of the relationship between speaking effectiveness and listening comprehension in the single individual, Carrol Franklin Harrison
Examination of certain elements of rhetorical style in nine selected speeches of Adolf Hitler, Charles Willard Huber
Study of some aspects of Bert Hansen's pageant-dramas, Maurice Foss Lokensgard
Study of the extensional agreement index of five accepted debate judgement terms, Dennis Edward Winters
Theses/Dissertations from 1958
From gold camp to copper city, an historical pageant-drama of the City of Butte, Montana, one of the great mining camps of the world, Royal Glover Barnell
Comparative analysis of selected vowel sounds of the speech of Missoula Montana, Harold C. Hansen
Investigation of the audience-judge agreement factor in college debate, John Copley Travis
Theses/Dissertations from 1957
Rhetorical qualities in the campaign speeches of Adlai Ewing Stevenson, Donald John Cameron
How television teaching was added to radio teaching in twenty American colleges, Allen Kent Marler
Theses/Dissertations from 1956
Relative importance of literary value as a criterion in declamation contests, Arleen Larson Baker
Rhetorical qualities in the speeches of Winston Spencer Churchill, Walter Jerome Benesch
Cry of the wild ram, a pageant drama, Frank Brink
Valley for Caesar, a pageant play, Carroll John O'Connor
Rhetorical qualities in the speeches of Carl Schurz, James Lee Roberts
Theses/Dissertations from 1955
Analysis of problems of instruction in radio for secondary education, Tom Cris Richardson