This collection includes theses, dissertations, and professional papers from the University of Montana W. A. Franke College of Forestry and Conservation. Theses, dissertations, and professional papers from all University of Montana departments and programs may be searched here.
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Nitrogen cycling and spatial heterogeneity following fire and restoration treatments in the Ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir ecosystem, Michael J. Gundale
Effects of spotted knapweed invasion and restoration treatments on ground beetle diversity abundance and distribution in Rocky Mountain savannas in Montana, Allison K. Hansen
Characterizing thermal features from multi-spectral remote sensing data using dynamic calibration procedures, Colin C. Hardy
Vegetation recovery across wildland fire severity gradients in western Montana, LaWen T. Hollingsworth
Comprehensive evaluation of the Lower Musselshell River study monitoring plan and evaluation of the water quality of the Lower Musselshell River, O'Brien Hollow
Factors that contribute to cloud forest conservation in southern Ecuador, Pelah Niamie Hoyt
Evaluation of growth and yield model performance against remeasured permanent plots, Melissa A. Jafvert
Interactions between the invasive plant Centaurea maculosa and ant communities in savannas in western Montana, Joseph M. Jensen
Development and evaluation of successional pathways for SIMPPLLE: Simulating vegetation along the Colorado Front Range, Thad E. Jones
Applying the Prediction of Four-Year Height Growth of Douglas-fir and Ponderosa pine Saplings to an Existing Growth Simulator, Kathryn Arendt Keller
The effect of snowmobile trails on coyote movements within lynx home ranges, Jay A. Kolbe
Recreational trail conflict| Achieving equity through diversity, Clifton R. Koontz
Charcoal in ponderosa pine ecosystems of western Montana| decomposition, mineralization, and quantification, Valerie J. Kurth
Towards a more comprehensive understanding of trust: exploring the public's trust in natural resource management, Adam J. Liljeblad
Recreation on the upper Yellowstone River| A study of use and place, Megan K. McBride
Effects of transportation and development on black bear movement, mortality, and use of the Highway 93 corridor in NW Montana, Karin R. McCoy
Developing a disturbance index and extreme land surface temperature in the western United States, David J. Mildrexler
Corn/cattle/care| Farm tree and agroforestry practices in Saraguro, Ecuador, Mark Richard Olson
Sediment deposition below forest road drivable drain dips in Belt and glacial till parent materials of Western Montana, Brian Rawls Parker
Impact of calf survival on elk population dynamics in west-central Montana, Jarod Douglas Raithel
Fecal pellet deposition and disappearance rates for snowshoe hares near Seeley Lake Montana, Pilar T. Rivera
Patch characteristics of post fire landscapes in the Crown of the Continent ecosystem Montana USA, Joshua T. Rodriguez
Spatial population dynamics of Microtus in grazed and ungrazed grasslands, Jonathan Peter Runge
Organizational culture: An impetus to influence organizational behavior and decision making, Thomas M. Schultz
Attempts at participatory forest management in the Ghana-Togo highlands, John J. Sheffy
The nature of change in Western Montana's bunchgrass communities, Pamela G. Sikkink
Examining the social acceptability of restoration and management at Silver Creek Idaho, Dayna S. Smith
Comparing silvicultural alternatives for restoring western white pine in the North Fork Clearwater River Basin, Idaho, Timothy P. Spoelma
GIS application in evaluating the road effects on fire severity, Agus Suratno
Design and comparison of quantitative alternative future landscape scenarios for the Bitterroot Front area, Martin Twer
A noninvasive survey method for detecting wolverine, Todd J. Ulizio
Influences of landscape structure on snowshoe hare populations in fragmented forests, Carly Jane Walker
Movements and habitat-use of grizzly bears along U.S. Highway 2 in northwestern Montana 1998--2001, John Steven Waller
Investigating and reconceptualizing recreation specialization: Flow as a developmental influence, Joshua G. Whitmore
Influences on the decision to authorize wildland fire use, Martha A. Williamson
Dietary overlap between argali sheep and domestic livestock in Mongolia, Ganchimeg J. Wingard
Off-road vehicle policy on USDA national forests: Evaluating user conflicts and travel management, Brenda M. Yankoviak
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Rural reforestation projects in Touroua Northern Cameroon, Brian J. App
Evaluation of wolf-livestock conflicts and management in the northwestern United States, Elizabeth H. Bradley
Integrating social equity into the measurement of human values in outdoor recreation, Laura E. Cauley
Physiological assessment of avian refueling performance, David J. Cerasale
Energy policy and climate change : a comparison of American and European energy policy, Meagan M. Conry
Effects of atmospheric deposition on water quality in high alpine lakes of Grand Teton National Park Wyoming, Jennifer Ann Corbin
Monitoring change in exotic plant abundance after fuel reduction/restoration treatments in ponderosa pine forests of western Montana, Erich Kyle Dodson
Interpreting the meaning of recreation impacts, Robert G. Dvorak
Measurements of fire radiative energy emitted during the combustion of wildland fuels, Patrick H. Freeborn
Ignition of crown fuels above a spreading surface fire, Miguel Gomes da Cruz
Landscape ecology of snowshoe hares in Montana, Paul Carlo Griffin
Winter feeding ecology and browse effects of mule deer elk white-tailed deer and cattle on the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Ranch, Scott A. Hemmer
Cultivating student internal locus of control using participatory rural appraisal in Villa Santa Honduras, Journey M. Herbeck
Exploring environmental knowledge attitude and behavior of secondary students in Sarawak Malaysia, Shazali Johari
Developing a near real-time system for monitoring the foliar phenology of the terrestrial biosphere, William Matthew Jolly
Habitat selection and use by the Dusky Flycatcher (Empidonax oberholseri) at multiple scales: Implications for habitat-based methods for population viability analysis, Andrew James Kroll
Forest and range ecotone restoration in central Montana, Darin Jay Law
Fire exclusion forest dynamics and nitrogen cycling in low elevation forests of western Montana, Michael Derek MacKenzie
Monitoring and modeling human interactions with ecosystems, Cristina Milesi
Mountain lions wolves and bears: Detangling the issues surrounding predator conservation in the West, Jessica M. Montag
Landscape-scale factors affecting population dynamics of greater sage -grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in north-central Montana 2001--2004, Brendan James Moynahan
Commercial guiding| An exploratory study of the roles of guides and their relationship with the customer experience, Christine Oschell
Exploratory study and assessment of Montana's volunteer fire departments : trends motivations and priorities, Billy R. Preston
Land-atmosphere coupling and feedbacks: A focus on the freeze/thaw transition in North American boreal and sub-alpine ecosystems, Ann Coffee Radil
Derivation of wheat yield and rangeland productivity in the northern Great Plains using MODIS algorithms, Matthew Clark Reeves
Developing a satellite -based method of landscape drought assessment, James Plummer Riddering
Riparian and stream habitat variables influencing the distribution of Tubifex tubifex in Chamberlain Creek Montana, Amy M. Sacry
Evaluating the consequences of public land grazing permit buyout program permit reductions and increased fees on land ownership and open space in Western states, Mark S. Steinbach
Factors affecting community well-being: Implication for social assessment, Becky E. Summer
Transfrontier Conservation Areas of southern Africa and international law in the context of community involvement, Randy J. Tanner
Comparison of remotely sensed land surface processes in northern hemisphere during the 1988-89 La Nina and the 1997-98 El Nino events, Divya K. Tipparaju
Improving the efficiency of helicopter operations on large wildland fires by including helicopter performance information in the decision process, Diane Trethewey
Vitellaria paradoxa and the feasibility of a shea butter project in the north of Cameroon, Karin L. Vermilye
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Resource Advisory Councils: An Investigation of Factors Contributing to an Effective Government-Mandated Collaborative, Camisha Booth
Volcanic ash soils, stream baseflow and water balance in subalpine basins of western Montana, USA, Mark K. Dixon
Land-use/land-cover dynamics in the Taquina Watershed Cochabamba Bolivia 1968-2001, Jason M. Gritzner
Migration and development on Niue Island, Joslin Annelies Heyn
Effect of complexity on prescribed burn accomplishments in northwestern ponderosa pine forests, Kenneth D. Homik
Effects of understory Vegetation on the Photosynthesis and leaf Water Potential of Young Douglas fir Trees on Two Contrasting Sites in Northwestern Montana, Michael A. Krebs
Avian life-history evolution: Explaining variation among species populations and individuals, John D. Lloyd
Variation of specific gravity (bulk density) in conifer stumps with reference to sampling technique and decay class, Gabagomotse J. Mafoko
Argali (Ovis ammon) conservation in western Mongolia and the Altai-Sayan, Ryan L. Maroney
Wolf ecology in the western Alps: Analysis with non-invasive techniques, Francesca Marucco
Vegetation structure and floristics at nest sites of grassland birds in north central North Dakota, Melvin P. Nenneman
White pine blister rust whitebark pine and Ribes species in the Greater Yellowstone area, Maria Newcomb
Habitat use reproductive biology and nest-site selection of ground-nesting birds at Freezeout Lake WMA in central Montana, Alison E. Perkins
Establishment and Growth of Conifer Regeneration Following Harvest and Residue Treatments in a Western larch - Douglas-fir Forest, Sarah J. Pierce
Community forest management in Tsitongambarika Forest Reserve, Madagascar, George L. Ritchotte
Effects of fire and grazing on breeding birds in a mixed-grass prairie, Renae A. Schmitt
Using lidar remote sensing to estimate forest fuels, Carl Andrew Seielstad
Changes in bird abundance and species composition in a coniferous forest following mixed-severity wildfire, Kristina M. Smucker
Effects of vegetation cover, mowing, and soil temperature on development and survival of the two root-feeding biological control insects of spotted knapweed, Cynthia L. Snyder
Dietary habits of two threatened co-roosting flying foxes (Megachiroptera) Subic Bay Philippines, Samuel Cord Stier
Comparative analysis of demographics perceptions and opinions relating to predators and their management : grizzly bears mountain lions and wolves, Bethany M. Sutton
Can agency-led initiatives conform to collaborative principles? Evaluating and reshaping an interagency program through participatory research, Laura Van Riper
An evaluation of fisher (Martes pennanti) introductions in Montana, Ray S. Vinkey
Effects of thinning and prescribed burning on birds and small mammals, Jennifer C. Woolf
Assessment of the mechanical properties of lodgepole pine in the incipient stage of decay by a white -rot fungus, Tsair-Bor Yen
The politics of cross -boundary conservation: Meaning property and livelihood on the Rocky Mountain Front in Montana, Laurie Yung
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Phosphorus uptake in Centaurea biebersteinii DC. and native Lupinus argenteus Pursh. across a phosphorus gradient, Vince Archer