This collection includes theses, dissertations, and professional papers from the University of Montana Department of History. Theses, dissertations, and professional papers from all University of Montana departments and programs may be searched here.
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Alternative or traditional?: A history of solar and wind energy, Nathan S. McConnell
Stories on the Fox| Human improvements of nature on a Wisconsin River, Nicolaas J. Mink
Continental Divide Trail and the changing face of recreation on America's public lands, Alan D. Roe
Diplomacy in a time of war| The 1991 Persian Gulf War and the interplay between war and diplomacy, Rachel A. Swartz
Us vs. them: Dualism and the frontier in history., Jonathan Joseph Wlasiuk
Mormon movement to Montana, Julie A. Wright
Test of detente: Soviet-American relations and the Yom Kippur War, David Zierler
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Hunters of the Shining Mountains| The history of hunting on the Western Slope of the Colorado Front Range, Mark S. Anderson
"Little bit of paradise": Women's search for comfort in late-nineteenth century Montana, Allison Badger
Visions of the landscape| People, place and the Black Canyon of the Gunnison River, Jerritt J. Frank
Welfare interests and legal rights for non-human animals., Jonathan M. Morgan
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
"Grim realities of involuntary motherhood" Montana women and the birth control movement 1900-1940, Dana V. Green
From westward space to western place| The end of illusion and birth of acceptance in the American West, Mary C. Greenfield
Surfing the Gray Embodying an Environmental Ethic, Melanie J. Kloetzel
Standing at a precipice : bison survival and decline on the nineteenth century northern Plains, Andrew Meskil
Social and cultural themes in late nineteenth century central Great Plains railroad literature, Brenda J. Moor
Pennsylvania Politics 1854-1860, Oliver L. Pflug
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Chief Gall and Chief John Grass: Cultural mediators or sellouts?, James R. Frank
Half the sky: An examination of obstacles to human rights for women, Patricia Anne. Hixson
Blood sweat and gas: Print media and the 1968 Democratic National Convention, Sarah Switzer Love
From buffalo to beeves: The transformation of the Oglala Lakota economy 1868-1889, Jeffrey L. Means
Changing ideal of manhood in late-nineteenth century America, John Robert Van Slyke
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Montana's other strike: The 1917 IWW timber strike in the Kootenai Valley, Richard R. Aarstad
There's going to be hell to pay? an evaluation of tourism in Whitefish Montana, Diana L. Di Stefano
From solid shot to tomahawk: The development of American naval policy from the early republic to the present, Scott E. Doxtator
Parallel tracks| The new Western history & revisionist photography, Jonathan Richard Eden
Forces of history: American-Iranian diplomacy 1949-1953, James H. Hippensteel
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Albert Camus, Frantz Fanon, and French Algeria| The colonial experience and the philosophy of revolt, Alexander C. Karklins
Teaching women's voices in the American West | a guide to including women in the high school history curriculum, Emily Leary
Boom, the ghosts, and the importance of memory| A history of the Flint Creek watershed, David H. Meyer
Lives through the looking glass| The diaries of three nineteenth-century American women, Erin Kennedy Pelger
Montana Eden| Land use and change in the Bitterroot Valley, pre-history to 1930, Edward Duke Richey
Nietzsche and the Nazis antipodes or ideological kin?: Articulating chasms and connections, Mathew M. Stevenson
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Sheridan County "Reds"?: A new look at the social and political events in Sheridan County Montana in the years 1918-1932, William Halsey Bell
Hitler at Lidice| Language, revenge, and social pathology in warfare, Stephen Donald Carey
Separate but integrated: A history of isolation and market participation among Nicaragua's Mayangna Indians, T. Mark Carey
Remembering paradise | histories of Glen Canyon, Jared Farmer
Landscapes of the mined: An environmental history of mining in the Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek County Colorado 1859-1997, Einar N. Jensen
"To make a garden spot of one of the dreariest places on the planet": Federal reclamation on the Zuni and Navajo reservations 1883-1914, Christian W. McMillen
Freedom, fear, and the American periphery| The Chippewa and Cree in Montana, 1885-1923, Luke C. Ryan
Death of Thomas Francis Meagher revisited, Angela Faye Thompson
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Truman, McCarthy and McCarthyism| The battle for the Cold War consensus, Hugh Alexander Ambrose
Demographic view of Northern Cheyenne women in 1900, Reno L. Charette-LoParco
"With all deliberate speed" : the NAACP and the implementation of Brown v. Board of Education at the local level Little Rock Arkansas, Brian James Daugherity
Berlin embassy of James Watson Gerard: Reflections of a diplomatic paradigm shift 1913-1917, Timothy Leo Lohof
Serious jesting| A close inspection of the Smith-Adams epistolary courtship based on their early love-letters, 1762--1764, Alaric Miller
Clearing the country| A history of the Hudson's Bay Company's fur desert policy, Jennifer Susan Ott
From Cotton Curtain to Iron Curtain| Black Americans' reaction to the Hungarian Crisis of 1956 and 1957, Rachel A. Wonder
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"| The Smeltermen of Anaconda in War and Peace, 1942-1945, Matthew L. Basso
William Appleman Williams| Progressive, consensus, New Left historian, Bradley J. Fogo
An Environmental history of the Rocky Mountain Front, David W. Keller M.D.
Wampumpeag| The impact of the 17th century wampum trade on native culture in southern New England and New Netherlands, George R. Price
Dismantling of paternalism: Southern white slaveholding women's and slaves' responses to slavery during the Civil War, Kevin M. Ritchlin
Hard winter endurance| Conrad Kohrs' cattle raising operation, 1887-1900, Anna Fay Rosenberg
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Environmental history of Montana's Smith River, Shannon Petersen
Militiamen and frontiers: Changes in the militia from the Peace of Paris to the Great War, Barry M. Stentiford
William J. Stephens: Some cases in point, Kenneth M. Wasserman
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
The legislative and political development of the Montana Department of Fish Wildlife and Parks (1895-1921): A case of cultural heritage, Diann Ericson
Prism of Tibetan images and realities| One generation of Tibet Lovers in Kalimpong, India, Jacqueline A. Hiltz
Fire Control to Fire Management: A History of Policy and Program in the National Park and Forest Service, John G. Ludicke
Myron Brinig's Butte| Jews in the wide open town, Pamela Wilson Tollefson
Zhou Enlai perceived| An assessment of his diplomacy at the Geneva Conference of 1954, Li Wang
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Female visions and verse| Turn-of-the-century women artists and writers in the Montana landscape, Kimberly J. Davitt
Wilderness in the northern Rockies| A Missoula-Lolo National Forest perspective, Todd L. Denison
Nellie Browne| The multi-dimensional roles of an early twentieth-century western Montanan, Kathy Jeanne Doolittle
Ed Boyce: The curious evolution of an American radical, Robert William Henry
Montana during World War Two, Scott C. Loken
Henry Adams and the problem of value in modern America, Laure Pengelly
Papists presbyters and primers : A comparative study of Catholic and Presbyterian mission schools among the Navajo 1898-1928, Sally J. Southwick
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Carey Land Act in Montana, Bonnie S. Christensen
Legend maker| Charles M. Russell's historical perspective in his published stories and essays, Raphael Cristy
Mount St. Charles College: A Catholic college on the American frontier, David William McGoldrick
Agriculture and economy at Acoma Pueblo, 1598-1821, John Kelly Robison
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
Boys in Butte: The Ku Klux Klan confronts the Catholics 1923-1929, Christine K. Erickson
Revisionist analysis of Edmund Burke's political ideology, Raenelle Fisher
Truman administration's approach to civil liberties, 1948--1950, Paul Louis Hansen
Breaking the copper collar: The sale of the Anaconda newspapers and the professionalization of journalism in Montana, John Thomas McNay
Territorial governor as ex-officio Superintendent of Indian Affairs and the decline of American-Indian relations, William Howard Roche
The American Indian Movement as a Revolutionary Organization, John F. Schuttler
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
Mike Mansfield's Approach to U.S.-Western Europe Relations 1946-1971, William A. D'Alton
Grinnell's Glacier, Gerald Allen Diettert
Ranching in Beaverhead County, 1863--1960| Transition through three generations, Liza Nicholas
Denizens of the road: An examination of America's itinerant laborers 1870-1920, Gary Rempe
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
Albert Charles Peale : scientist-explorer of the Hayden Survey 1871-1879, Andrew John Colenbrander
Qazaqjylyq| Nationalism and revolution in Kazakhstan, 1900-1920, Lyn R. Fisher
Taking up the tools | The early career of Rossiter Worthington Raymond, 1867-1876, Mary C. Horstman
Commerce, race, and diplomacy| Henry Shelton Sanford and the American recognition of the International Association of the Congo, Sarah Elizabeth Wiley
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
Lobbies, refugees, and governments| A study of the role of the displaced persons in the creation of the state of Israel, James Daryl Clowes
Soviet-American relations and the origins of containment 1941-1946: The force of tradition, Anita Louise Coryell
Felipe Angeles| Military intellectual of the Mexican Revolution, 1913--1915, Ronald E. Craig
The Civilian Conservation Corps as a Tool of the National Park Service: The Development of Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks, 1933-1942, Matthew A. Redinger
To instruct in gratifying| The historiographical style of Thomas Carlyle, Ronette E. Rumpca
Story to be told of the end of the line : suicide in a western American city Butte Montana 1907-1914, Trudy Irene Scee
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
A minority of one: Poulain de la Barre and the attitudes towards women's education in seventeenth-century France, Elizabeth W. Brewster
Small Town Eden: The Montana Study, Carla Homstad
Battle for direct legislation: Montana politics beyond the copper kings 1902-1906, Thomas A. Jacobsen
From farmland to coalvillage: Red Lodge's Finnish immigrants, 1890--1922, Erika A. Kuhlman
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Friends and fellow seamen!: Tyneside trade unionism 1790-1800, Lori B. Anthony
League of honor: Woodrow Wilson and the Stevens Mission to Russia, Theodore Catton