Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Clinical Psychology

Other Degree Name/Area of Focus


Department or School/College

Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Stuart Hall, Ph.D.

Commitee Members

Chris Comer, Ph.D., Allen Szalda-Petree, Ph.D., Craig McFarland, Ph.D.


chemotherapy, cognitive impairment, self-report, chemo-brain, CRCI

Subject Categories

Clinical Psychology | Health Psychology | Other Psychology


This study investigated the effect of negative expectations on self-reports of cognitive functioning, treatment satisfaction, and endorsement of a common, negative chemotherapy-related stereotype in 56 adults who had completed systemic chemotherapy for cancer treatment. Participants were assigned to either a negative expectation group or a control group. The negative expectation group had the relationship between chemotherapy and cognitive deficits overtly brought to their attention, while the control group did not. Both groups completed self-report measures of cognitive functioning and treatment satisfaction, and then rated their degree of identification with a chemotherapy-related stereotype. It was hypothesized that the experimental group would report more negative cognitive symptoms, less treatment satisfaction, and greater endorsement of the stereotype than the control group. Results revealed no significant differences between the two groups on these measures. Mean scores for both groups indicated high ratings of cognitive functioning and treatment satisfaction, however on a different measure, participants from both groups endorsed a moderate level of cognitive difficulties. Potential explanations for this inconsistent finding will be discussed. Further investigation may add to existing knowledge about the influence of negative expectations on self-reported functioning and may help inform optimal methods of interacting with cancer patients and others with chronic disorders.



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