Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper

Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Fine Arts (Integrated Arts and Education)

Department or School/College

Creative Pulse Program

Committee Chair

Richard Hughes

Commitee Members

Ann Wright, Randy Bolton


At-Risk Youth, Educational, Media Arts, Motivational


O’Leary, Ronald, M.A., Summer 2010: Integrated Arts and Education Introducing Media Arts as a Motivational and Educational Tool Chairperson: Richard Hughes Drawing from a wide swath of fine arts disciplines, this project effectively deals with pulling music, movement, creative writing, video and collaborative learning experiences together. Leading other teachers in the direction of media arts is the additional goal, which continues to be a monumental challenge in the face of working with very difficult students at the Yellowstone Academy. The Yellowstone Academy is a K-12 school, which serves the Yellowstone Boys and Girl’s Ranch (a treatment center for emotionally disturbed youth). Creating sound tracks and video projects has proven to be an effective motivator for many of the students in my music classes. Students engage in the subject matter, think creatively and produce culturally relevant artistic projects. Reaching out to the other teachers has run parallel to my own pursuits, as I see so many possibilities for affecting change through media arts. My pursuit of bringing media arts to the Yellowstone Academy has become a reality, in spite of the odds. The overall involvement and growth of individual students and the overall tone and culture of my music classes as a media arts component develops will be addressed within the scope of this paper. This project culminates many facets of the arts and brings my own development as an educator and artist into the technological realm. My greatest ambition is that over time, the motivational quality of integrating video technology to other areas of the Yellowstone Academy will create a positive influence on the culture of the student body.



© Copyright 2010 Ronald Sean O'Leary