Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name


Department or School/College

Department of History

Committee Chair

Jeff Wiltse

Commitee Members

Richard Drake, Sarah Certel


alternative medicine, movement disorder, tic disorder, tics, tourette, tourette syndrome, tourette syndrome treatment, tourette's, tourette's and medication, tourette's history


This study tracks how treatments and personal management strategies for the medical condition Tourette syndrome have changed over time. Additionally, the purpose of this research is to discover the shared experiences that influence the treatment choices of American adults with the condition. Clinical theories about the causes of Tourette syndrome have directed the treatment of the disorder and its symptoms for many years. Recent patient discontents with side effects from medications have led many people with the disorder to practice complementary and alternative therapies. While some of these alternative interventions continue to rely on the guidance of a standard health care professional, several individuals with Tourette syndrome, often referred to as Touretters, have formulated treatments of their own. Many therapies that Touretters practice today are often based on certain idiosyncrasies of an individual’s condition. As a result, a variety of different treatment methods have been used by Touretters in recent years.



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