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This article reviews the conflicts of law cases in Montana in chronological order. The article notes that the Montana Supreme Court followed a clear and predictable set of principles in dealing with the issue of what law applies to the out-of-state auto policy involved in an accident in Montana for almost thirty years, from Kemp in 1979 until Moodro in 2008. The end result of the last two years, however, is a confused abandonment of Montana's materially greater interest in its public policy protection for consumers of auto insurance. The article asserts that this interest needs to be inserted back into the decisions and not "conflated" into a reversal of thirty years of well-reasoned precedent without expressly overruling that precedent and that ignoring the principles established in pre-2008 cases introduces an unpredictability in the decisions.
Recommended Citation
Munro, Greg, "Auto Policy Conflicts of Law in Montana" (2010). Faculty Journal Articles & Other Writings. 6.