Leif Fredrickson
Ellen Knight discusses her role in the Missoula environmental movement in the 1970s and 1980s as an active member of the League of Women Voters. She talks about spearheading research for the league on renewable energy. Knight recalls her early advocacy of open space preservation and helping to found the Five Valleys Land Trust (FVLT). She discusses other environmental groups and activists, including Gals Against Smog and Pollution (GASP), as well as role of women and gender politics in the environmental movement.
Document Type
Oral History
Subjects: Environmentalism -- West (U.S.); Environmentalism – Montana; Environmental protection -- West (U.S.) -- Citizen participation; Environmental policy; Environmental policy -- Montana -- Missoula County; Nature -- Effect of human beings on – History; Sex roles; Gender politics; Montana. Legislature; Legislation – Montana; Land use – Montana; Sustainable development; Renewable energy sources; Local government—Montana; Political participation—Montana; Environmental quality; Environmentalists -- Montana -- Missoula County -- Societies, etc; Missoula (Mont.) -- Environmental conditions; Missoula County (Mont.) -- Environmental conditionsPersonal Names: Ellen J. KnightCorporate Names: Five Valleys Land Trust (Missoula, Mont.); League of Women Voters—Montana; Gals Against Smog and Pollution (Missoula, Mont.)Geographical Names: Montana--Politics and government--20th century; Missoula (Mont.)
Original Date
Time Period
Twentieth century
Geographic Coverage
Original Collection
GASP and the History of Missoula’s Environmental Movement Oral History Project, OH 476
Holding Institution
University of Montana. Mansfield Library. Archives and Special Collections
Digital Publisher
University of Montana--Missoula. Mansfield Library
Rights Statement
Rights Holder
Copyright to this collection is held by the interview participants and by the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula. Permission may be required for use. For further information please contact Archives and Special Collections at the University of Montana, Mansfield Library.
Oral History Number
OH 476-001
Media Type
Sound; Text
Original Format
1 MP3 file (00:34:41): digital + 1 transcript (9 pp.: 28 cm.)
Digital Format
audio/mp3; application/pdf
Run Time
00:34:41 minutes
Local Filename
OH_476_001.mp3; OH_476_001.pdf
Knight, Ellen J., "Ellen Knight Interview, September 9, 2020" (2020). GASP and the History of Missoula’s Environmental Movement Oral History Project. 1.