Capstone Projects
The GLI Capstone is how our students put their ideas into action. The leadership and teamwork that GLI students have cultivated throughout the program are brought to fruition in the final year as they develop and implement their capstone project. GLI students work with an interdisciplinary group of peers and a faculty mentor on identifying a global challenge and designing an innovative solution. The GLI capstone project encourages students to create a project with a tangible outcome while incorporating interdisciplinary teamwork, empathetic leadership, and global awareness.
Artifact from 2024
Coping with Eco-Emotions, Cassandra O. Berg, Sylvia Wood, Sylvia Luceno, Kaitlyn M. Blume, Siena Cysewski, Jack Person, and Alis Auch
Creating Community, Abigail Boislard, Cayley Norman, Jane Rooney, Hannah Davis, and Carli Cebulla
Age, Loneliness, and Culture: Fostering Intergenerational Connections, Amelia Hawes, Clara Totman, Holly Mahon, Maddy Snow, and Zachery Craig
What Goes Around Comes Around Final Submission, Roger Owen Moore, Nina Vermolen, Jaiden Stansberry, Mannix Shaffer, Carson Brandt, Carson Cronk, and Elena Bigart
Addressing issues in global food systems contributing to food injustice and waste on a local level in Missoula, MT, Jocelyn Stansberry, Devin Jacaruso, Abbe Feilzer, Gabby Adams, Rianna Bowers, and Livi Lackland-Henry
Artifact from 2023
Bear Smart UM: Creating a University Campus Safe for Bears and Students, Kailie Blanco, Eliana Lowe, Nieset LeFevre, Kailie Todd, Ridley Hudson, Joshua Moyar, and Emily Cook
Brave Spaces, Radical Openness, and Youth Loneliness, Taylor Curry, Mariah Thomas, and Riese Munoz
Barriers to Outdoor Recreation for Marginalized Groups at the University of Montana, Sabine R. Englert, Beatrix Frissell, Adrienne Liebert, Sophia Rodriquez, Margaret Jensen, Rachana Harris, and Abby Doss
Medical Waste Day, Kayla Leavell, Lauren Tucker, Wyatt Walters, and Kayla Leavell
Rethinking Trust, Reconnecting Us, Jacob Owens, Connor Dunlap, Seth Carmichael, Ben Brodhead, Reed Lindsey, Colin McLean, and Elle Wilgus
Your Friend, Wildfire, Elizabeth Riddle, Aubrey Frissell, Mackenzie Weiland, Katherine Wendeln, Rory McLaverty, and Lillian Hollibaugh
For Women of Missoula: Menstruation and Refugees, Bella M. Spencer
Artifact from 2022
Indigenous (Mis)Representation: Implications for the MMIWG2S Epidemic, Desi Greer, Jillian TopSky, Danara Greer, Chloe Burnstein, Emma Swartz, and Sam Severson
Mitigating the Damaging Effects of COVID-19 Isolation in the Elderly, Hailey Powell, Addie Slanger, Mazana Boerboom, Brenna Spurling, and Maria Goheen
The Relationship Between Food Retailers and Distributors, Madison Seigler, Julia Anderson, Aidan Morton, Cassandra Williams, Victoria Bloomgren, and Jacob Tutty
Managing "Culturally Significant" Land: The Badger-Two Medicine Area as a Case Study, Ava Sweet, John Nicholas Mills, Dante Filpula Ankney, Adison Thorp, and Hayden Blackford
Roots to Reasons: A Podcast Series - Emotional, Intellectual, & Substantive Environmental Conversations, Abigail Vogt, Damara Stewart, Sarah Griffin, Rowan Ulrigg, Sierra Franklin, and Cara Shepard
Artifact from 2021
The MMM Initiative, Erika Byrne, Brianna Bal, McKenna Jones, Noelle Annonen, Christian Pfeifer, Amanda Cunningham, Jaime Breisch, and Rachel Brosten
Medication Assisted Treatment Programs to Reduce Recidivism in Montana, Asia Chhon, Taylor Hill, Mason Hutchinson, Kian Speck, and Alex Whaples
Nutritional Access and Resource Knowledge in College, Darra Perdaems
Culture Connect: Diversity Resource Toolkit, Anna Potter, Abby Nurvic, Danika Bosch-Greer, Delaney Slade, Erin Landis, Mollie Lemm, and Kelsey Noble
Artifact from 2020
Management Business Analysis of Zillow, Madison B. Gordon Ms., Abbey Turner Ms., and Logan Reid Mr.
Green Home Montana: Eco-friendly Housing and Living Practices - Artifacts, Nicolas Ray Ream, Karlyn Roberts, Savannah Willison, and Dylan Trent
Implementing Eco-Friendly Housing Techniques in Western Montana: Green Home Montana: Eco-friendly Housing and Living Practices - Final Capstone Portfolio, Nicolas Ray Ream, Karlyn Roberts, Savannah Willison, and Dylan Trent
The Journey Home, Roy W. Savage JR
Global Leadership Initiative Capstone, Carly Zilge, Canyon Hohenstein, Claire Everingham, Bailey Carpenter, and Sarah Wells
Artifact from 2019
Eating Insects: A Community Action Toolkit, Lily X. Chumrau, Charlotte Langner, Freya Sargent, Ellen Sears, and Mary McCormick
Effects of Climate Change on Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Public Health Implications in Western Montana, Tiffany Matthews, Benjamin Hickey, Sydney Qualls, Max Enger, Ella Baumgarten, and Ronan Kennedy
The Flow: Educate. Empower. Change, Kirsten Tucker, Shaylee Ragar, Madison Haynes, Lea Graham, and Monica Paul
Inquiries of Entomophagy: Developing and Determining the Efficacy of Youth-Based Curriculum, Dakota Vaccaro, Kaitlyn Anderson, Lauren Clark, Ellie Gluhosky, Sarah Lutch, and Spencer Lachman
Artifact from 2018
Climate Change: Our Adaptive Future in the Columbia and Mekong River Basins, Cassidy D. White, Alex Braun, Brandon Lowry, Thiago Cardoso, Hannah Tibke, and Lauren Swett
Artifact from 2017
Raising Cultural Awareness in Undergraduate Students through an Online Pen Pal Program, Jenny-lin Smith, Mackenzie Lombardi, Rehana Asmi, Madison Hinrichs, Kayla Robertson, Lindsey Buck, and anna reid
Global Sex Trafficking with a Closer Look at the Role of Technology in Trafficking, Sara Stockett, Claire Michelson, Megan Perry, Anastacia Crowe, Olivia Schuler, and Nasrin Chaudry
A Place to Call Home, Ian Strahn, Kurt Nickolas Secrest, Mckennah Andrews, Jessie Seiler, Emily Eaton, and Erika Hidem
Artifact from 2016
Slam Poetry: An Online Intervention for Treating Depression, Spencer J. Ruchti, Mercedes Becker, Cara McKee, Austin Herron, and Alex Swalling
Artifact from 2015
EXPRESSIVE ARTS AS A MEANS OF INCREASING WELL-BEING IN CHILDREN, Danielle L. Barnes-Smith, Jordan Frotz, HanaSara Ito, Johannah Kohorst, and Emily Vascimini